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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Casa de mi Padres

Casa de mi Padre Poster

  The House of my Father is Will Ferrell taking his weird comedy style to the limits.  It appears Will Ferrell is paying homage to Robert Rodriquez's El Mariachi.  Badly fake props and backgrounds you become slightly nostalgic of 70's Skinamax.  The problem is this brand of comedy isn't funny.  On the upside Genesis Rodriguez is smoking hot.  I can't tell if he is making fun of the Mexican film culture or celebrating it.  If you have a choice you could do a hell of a lot better. 

2 out of 5

**The only reason I didn't give it a 1 out of 5 is because he tried something new.

The Dark Night Rises

The Dark Knight Rises Poster

  Holy Shit! Great way to end the Trilogy.  If they plan on doing a remake in 30 years I don't know what they could do.

5 out of 5

Lock Out

Lockout Poster

     Guy Pierce finally put on some weight and taken on the role of an ex-CIA Agent who is being set up for murder and Treason.  Now the world appears to be in a police state and we are able to house the most dangerous criminals in a space station were escape if futile.  The Problem is the Presidents Daughter just happens to be a bleeding heart she takes a visit to make sure the psychos are being treated fairly.  Well guess what the psychos escape take everyone hostage.  Did a good job of keeping the story going, the action wasn't awful and was a decent shoot them up movie. 

4 out of 5

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Safe House

Safe House Poster

I wanted to see this movie and had high hopes.  It doesn't live up to the hype but it doesn't completely flop either.  Ryan Reynolds shows he can hang with the most symmetrical man in Hollywood.

3 out of 5

This Means War

This Means War Poster

If you have nothing else to watch this could do in a pinch.  Don't get your hopes up.  This was made for women eye candy.  There is nothing redeeming about this film.  Great idea but can't live up to the hype.

2 out of 5

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man Poster

As a long time fan of the Spider-Man Comics I was pleased with the outcome.  I watched the Sam Rami version a few months ago and was appalled I actually liked it.  Maybe it was all the shitty CGI.  Now the remake of a remake of a 50 year old Comic followed the Batman revamp:  Dark and not afraid to fuck shit up.  I was impressed with the CGI and the movements of making Spider-Man move like we all envisioned while fighting muggers and giant lizards. 
The other thing that impressed me about this film was Emma Stone being blonde: HOT!  Seriously though Gwen Stacy being the main love interest was a great way to bring the Comic fans back into the fold.  However killing off Dennis Leary was a big mistake.  A decent blending of old and the new with a lead into the sequel staring the Green Goblin.  Hopefully they will hold true to the costume design and not have something completely devoid of the things we love about our "friendly neighborhood Spider-Man"

4 out of 5

Sherlock Holmes: A game of Shadows

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Poster

Robert Downing Jr. and Jude Law are only doing this for a pay day.  The movie is way to long with to many slow motion sequences dragging it out.  The redeeming quality of this is the introduction of Moriarty.  The basic idea of someone profiting from war.  It was how America got out of World War II.  The idea of Holmes and Moriarty are equals in all matters they should of done more of a cat and mouse game rather than Holmes playing catch-up

2 out of 5

Project X

Project X Poster

2 hours of kids getting drunk sprinkled with naked chicks.  Watch the first 5 minutes to know the birthday boy, the wanna be Vince Vahn from Swingers as the best friend and the creepy kid filming the movie.  Than fast forward to the birthday boy flipping off the helicopter.  About 30 minutes of actual viewing time.

2 out of 5 

21 Jump Street

 21 Jump Street Poster

Hilarious.  Not only do they have a decent story line with decent acting from Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum.  The best part of the film is the outright mocking of themselves for making a remake of a television show, even Johny Depp makes an appearance to ridicule the lack of imagination in Hollywood.  

4 out of 5

Act of Valor

Act of Valor Poster 

Holy Crap!  Thanks to the Navy seals we are safe.  Its a polished view of what the Navy Seals do in the field to keep us safe from crazy mother fuckers who want to blow themselves up.  The most interesting thing about the film is the indication that the Mexican Cartel's are working with the Terrorist of the world to bring down America.  

4 out of 5