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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Parental Gudience.

This was a great classic retake of Uncle Buck with the wit and cleverness of Billy Crystal.  He may be old but he sure is by far still one of the funniest people alive.  A great movie and take on the ridiculousness of the modern family and how old school still may be the best school.

Killing Them Softly

A Political pile of shit that is more concerned about telling America's only desire in life is money and how stupid the coming generation is.  Not enough killing for a gangster movie.  Billing Brad Pitt was just a way for them to sell the movie because they knew how bad it is.  

Ganster Squad

Hell of a movie for the old school shot them up gangster films.  Ryan Gosling shouldn't of used that voice those.  Sean Penn as Marcon was awesome.