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Monday, September 30, 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness

This is a nice introduction to Khan.  But as all you Trekies know J.J. Abrams prequels are redefining the stories we adults grew up with.  This change in the universe is a nice twist due to the ability to basically do what they want with the story line as the new time continuum (explained in Star Trek) .  As you remember in the Wraith of Khan we find Kirks old enemy on the deserted planet ready for revenge.  Well this is the story of them first meeting and how Khan's history plays into the Star Trek Universe.  They pay homage to the old movies with a nice role reversal of Kirk and Spock in the warp core.  This is a great addition to the revamp of the series and shows the future of many more to come or a TV show as the Enterprise embarks on it's 5 year voyage to Seek out and Explore the Universe.  Own it.  

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